
We include AFTERCARE with each of our procedures

At the beginning of a new year many people think more seriously about having their desired cosmetic procedure. Here at Aria Medical Group, we are very motivated to make sure clients make informed decisions.  Although the price of a procedure maybe an important consideration for many, when it comes to surgery, the most important considerations are the experience and status of the surgeon, the anesthetist, and the medical team – and also very important to consider is AFTERCARE.

Make sure you have a consultation with a specialist cosmetic surgeon. Make sure they are registered with the medical authorities so you can see their track record. Make sure you feel comfortable with the environment when you will have the surgery. Aria Medical Group only uses high-end, full-service private hospitals.

After your procedure all patients must have follow-ups with the surgeon to monitor their healing.  At Aria Medical Group we always include this in the price of our procedures. It’s never billed extra.  Also, should there be a complication that is the responsibility of us, then we always offer revision surgery for free.

These are extremely important considerations when choosing a surgeon for your procedure. A fair price is important but the quality of the surgeon and the medical care is more important that trying to save money.

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