Before & After Images

When can I return to normal life?

If the patient’s work does not require much lifting/upper body use, the patient can usually return to work after 1 week. If, on the other hand, it requires a strong physical effort then up to 2 weeks of relative rest would be necessary. The swelling will reduce in the following 4-6 weeks and after that time clients can resume sports activity.

How should I sleep after breast reduction?

Until the scars have sufficiently healed, usually after approximately 4 weeks, you must sleep lying on your back. During this time it is very important to sleep with a supportive bra.

Are there any specific risks to breast reduction surgery?

Although the rate of complication for this type of surgery is low, the most important associated risks that could occur are: poor healing, temporary or permanent loss of feeling in the nipple, small asymmetries and decreased ability to breast feed. Scarring problems may be more frequent in patients who smoke.

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