What is a Breast Augmentation?
Breast enlargement is the most widely requested cosmetic surgery procedure. We ask Aria Medical Group to tell us more.What is a Breast Augmentation?
Breast Enlargement surgery consists of increasing the volume of the breasts with implants, thereby giving a more pleasant shape in proportion with the rest of the body. This procedure is chosen for many reasons; including to enhance shape after breast feeding or weight loss; to give a more youthful appearance; to correct asymmetry and to improve self-confidence.
Breast Augmentation is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic surgery procedures and has the highest degrees of patient satisfaction.
How long is the procedure?
Breast augmentation is usually performed under general anaesthesia and takes approximately 1 ½ hours. The implants are placed according to the client’s needs either through a small incision in the axilla (the armpit), around the areola (nipple) or within the intra-mammary fold (beneath the breast). The implants are placed above or beneath the muscle depending on the patient’s physiology, the desired look, and the recommendations of the surgeon.
How do you choose implants?
The implants are chosen by the surgeon together with the patient. Modern implants, filled with cohesive silicone gel, give excellent results and the highest standards of safety. The surgeon is able to choose from a very wide range of implants with various shapes (anatomical/teardrop shaped or round); as well as volume and consistency of the gel; to offer the final result that the patient wishes to obtain.
Dr. Marco Vricella works with a number of internationally-approved suppliers.
If you enjoy sports and aerobic activities, then you may wish to consider B-Lite implants – the world’s first and only light-weight breast implants. These implants are up to 30% lighter than traditional implants and reduce gravitational stress on the breast soft-tissue. They have also been shown to retain shape and form in the long term.
If you are looking for fuller breasts with a round aesthetic then Motiva offers sophisticated implants that give that younger, firmer result. In addition, their Ergonomix range is for those that want the look, feel and movement of a natural breast.
What results can be expected?
Results differ from person to person, depending on their health, age, the elasticity of their skin, whether they have been a smoker etc. Overall, breast augmentations provide very good results. Clients have said that not only do they look better, and clothes fit better but they have greater self-esteem and confidence. Aria Medical Group publishes client stories and testimonials on its website.
Clients have said:
‘I could not be happier with the results. They are very natural!’
‘The operation has boosted my self-confidence and I feel that this has been one of the best decisions I have ever taken.’
‘I just want to say again how happy I am that I went ahead with the op and how amazing the whole Aria Medical Group team is; especially Dr Vricella.
FIND OUT MORE – with a FREE, private, consultation
It is essential that you are well-informed before choosing to have a cosmetic surgery procedure. Aria Medical Group offers informative videos and case studies online at AriaMedicalGroup.com
Yet nothing can replace the value of meeting a specialist cosmetic surgeon, face-to-face, who can not only answer all your questions, but assess your personal suitability for surgery and inform you of what to expect.
That’s why Dr. Marco Vricella always meets every person that is considering a procedure with Aria Medical Group.
Dr. Vricella holds free consultations in Madrid, Marbella & Gibraltar throughout the year – for dates and to book an appointment please call + 34 671 639 353 or email info@ariamedicalgroup.com
Aria Medical Group
The Aria Medical Group team offers a wide range of cosmetic surgery procedures for both women and men, including:
+ Breast Augmentation
+ Breast Uplift
+ Breast Reduction
+ Tummy Tuck
+ Liposuction
+ Face Lifts
+ Eyebag Removal
+ Rhinoplasty